Welcome students:
I wanted to take a minute to address my expectations during these unprecedented times. I expect you to be respectful to me and others regardless of our learning platform. During our time together, we will create resumes, introductory letters, presentations, procedures, write articles, analyze perspectives, and write a short formal argument. We will have lots of discussions and debates about things that are happening in the world. We research careers, colleges, and discuss important life skills. You will be expected to complete some assignments outside of class. These assignments will vary and will change and adapt as needed to best serve us depending on the situation at the time. We will practice listening to others as well as learning to express ourselves cordially. I expect updates on what you are doing to achieve your goals in your program and life. I will give you assistance, instructions, and prompts as needed. If you need help or have questions, please come see me on Mondays or Fridays at school.
If we/me/you are out of school, you may send me a message. Remember, the email that I check is [email protected]. You need to join your class on Remind via the web, app, or text your class code to 81010 starting with the @ symbol. Please see remind codes on my webpage.
You will need to log on to your gm.lamar.k12.mo.us account and join your English Google Classroom.
The links are here:
Health Occ:https://classroom.google.com/c/MTM5MzI5NzExMTgw?cjc=3tpi37j
Your English writing must be turned in on your English day. If you miss the deadline, it will result in a 0 for that week. If you are in danger of failing due to a lack of weekly work, you will be required to write an essay to make up points.
You can find links on my web page that will be helpful to you throughout the year.
Thank you,
Carla Ann Chadd
Technical English teacher
Lamar Career and Technical Center
417-682-3384 ext 610